Dr Alison Laver Fawcett is an Associate Professor in the School of Science, Technology and Health at York St John University, York, UK where she teaches undergraduate and pre-registration Masters occupational therapy students, in addition to supervising Masters and Doctoral students and delivering Continuing Professional Development for qualified occupational therapists. Alison’s research is clinically orientated, focussing on occupational therapy assessment and outcome measurement and occupational therapy for people with dementia and their carers. She has developed the Structural Observational Test of Function (SOTOF) and the Activity Card Sort – United Kingdom version (ACS-UK). She is author of the text book ‘Principles of Occupational Therapy for Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists: theory, skills and application’ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alison-Laver-Fawcett

Dr Daphne Kos joined the ROTOS Board in 2020 as Acting Vice Chair and Secretary. During her career Daphne has worked as a practitioner, lecturer and researcher. Her PhD was a study of fatigue management and assessment in people with multiple sclerosis. Daphne is coordinator of scientific research in the rehabilitation department of the National MS Center Melsbroek and professor and co-manager of the OT master programme in KU Leuven. She continues to research in the area of neurological rehabilitation. Daphne is current president of the international network for best practice and research in Rehabilitation in MS (RIMS) and a board member of the Belgian Society for Neurological Rehabilitation (BSNR).

Mr. Niall Turner (Ireland) has completed research projects primarily in the area of mental health. He completed his Masters By Research on the work outcomes of people with schizophrenia and the importance of productive occupations to health and social inclusion. In 2009 he received a research scholarship from the Mental Health Commission to complete a clinical trial of supported employment for people with schizophrenia spectrum conditions. Niall has published over 50 peer reviewed publications and a number of book chapters (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Niall_Turner/publications). He was Editor in Chief of the Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy from 2011 – 2019. Niall is currently working as a Occupational Therapy Manager in a Community Mental Health Service in Dublin. He also recently completed a two year role as operations manager of the Irish Longitudinal Study of Ageing.

Dr. Panagiotis Siaperas (Greece) is Occupational Therapist and Psychologist. He has worked at the Institute of Psychiatry, University of London, where he specialized in the diagnosis and intervention of children and adolescents with developmental disorders. In 2008, he received a doctorate from the University of Cambridge researching Autism Spectrum Disorders. He has publications in refereed journals and contributions in handbooks of Occupational Therapy, Psychology and Special Education. He has research experience from University of Cambridge, University of Athens, and University of Peloponnese and Metropolitan College in Athens.

Ms. Naomi Hankinson (UK) is currently the Vice President of COTEC. She is also a Trustee of the Elizabeth Casson Trust and Mental Health Matters. Her current professional roles are Consultant in health and social care and Associate Mental Health Act Manager for the Cambian Group. As an occupational therapist, she has worked as a clinician, manager, and clinical leader within mental health services. She has always had a strong focus on workforce and leadership, believing that if we value, develop and equip our staff effectively we will ensure good services for our users and communities. Naomi was Chair of the College of Occupational Therapists (COT) from 2009 to 2013 and then undertook the role of Chair of the COT Audit committee from 2013 – 2016.

Ms. Saša Radić (Croatia) is currently the President of the Croatian Association of the Occupational Therapist. She has worked as a practitioner and manager of occupational therapy services in the health and social sector. She has been fortunate to be one of the occupational therapists involved in the legal establishment of the profession and one of the founders of the Croatian Health Care Council in the Republic of Croatia. Her current role is in establishing occupational therapy community-based team in the capital of Croatia Zagreb, using occupational therapy in telehealth in intervention, facilitation of family-based practice and animal-assisted intervention. Her research focus is European base projects and their influence on change management of the Occupational Therapy practice and Occupational Therapy Communities of practice.